
Pink Fizz Blogs

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How Facebook Scores You – Thanks for Registering

How Facebook Scores You Masterclass Thank you for registering for the Masterclass. Put it in your diary – Thursday 21st March – 7.30pm Join Zoom Meeting Herehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86594634887?pwd=MDVuOS80eFpKZ0txYVN3Mkl5aU5pQT09 A reminder with the link will be sent nearer the time. Are you part of our free Facebook Community? If not click the image below.

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How Facebook Scores You

Unlock the secrets to mastering Facebook’s scoring system! Join me for a free, exclusive masterclass where we’ll dive deep into understanding how Facebook rates and ranks your content. Discover insider tips and strategies to boost your visibility and engagement on the world’s largest social media platform. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your online presence

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Elevate Your Social Impact – Tasks

Monday 22nd May 2023Day 1 Optimise Your Profiles Today I want you to make sure that all your social media profiles are optimised for success. This helps to create more of an impact and make your potential customers journey more simplified. If a potential customer can’t find your details and Information easily they will move

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Elevate Your Social Impact – Opt In Success

Thank you for signing up to the Elevate Your Social Impact Challenge.   There will be 3 Challenges from Monday 22nd May until Wednesday 23rd May 2023. All challenges will be sent via the SMS provided during Sign Up. See you on the challenge!!!!

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Engaging Content

How To Create Engaging Content Thank you for signing up for the free mini masterclass, if you missed it don’t worry you can watch it on replay below https://vimeo.com/813318506 As part of the masterclass we are giving away a 14 Day Free Trial to The Academy, to see the benefits of The Academy click (here).

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Email Marketing Planning and Tracker Thank you for being part of the Pink Fizz Social Community. Please find your downloads below. Download Now PDF download Excel download

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Email Marketing Planning and Tracker

Our new Academy download is available to all who sign up for our newsletter for free.     Plan your emails throughout the year, monitor their opens and clicks, compare and watch the trends.  Draft up your emails with the subject and opening paragraphs.   There are two versions, printable and Excel.  The Excel version

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