
Don’t Be A Business Burnout

Truth bomb: YOU are the ONLY one responsible for your health


Are you juggling many balls, business, home life, children, partner, parents? Have you ran out of steam? I hear you. Do you now wake up dreading the day, wondering how you’re going to get through it? Do your joints feel cranky first thing in the morning, you’re not refreshed and wish you could have that extra hour in bed? Do you collapse on the sofa mid- afternoon and nod off, try to survive on coffee and sugary snacks? Has your health taken a nose dive? I hear you.


Our bodies are great at coping with a multitude of curveballs thrown at it daily but eventually it starts to whisper and then it shouts when the tip of the iceberg is overbalanced. Sickness can creep in or even bull doze us over with no warning. This can be anything in the form of skin issues, blood sugar levels, pain, inflammation, sleep, headaches……


Is your body giving off little signs that it can’t cope anymore? Do you feel, you just don’t know your body anymore? I hear you.


What if I could tell you, it doesn’t have to be like that. You can still do all your things but with full of energy, vitality and stamina. Would you like to be working on and in your business full of focus and clarity and feel energised and motivated all day? Would you like to get up each morning feeling fresh and raring to tackle the day?


You can! Firstly, you need to put YOU to the top of the list. Gone are the excuses, “I don’t have time for myself, I don’t have time to make healthy choices”.


Now is your time to supercharge your health because without your health, your business will suffer. The best medicine you can give yourself is you and the lifestyle choices you make.


It’s not too late to start, whatever your age.
Without your health, your ship will sink as you are the captain, right?


We all know that the choices we make will have an impact on your health. Only small daily tweaks may be necessary to keep ourselves healthy, prevent long term diseases and even reverse illness. Your health determines your level of success and happiness in life. If you treat yourself well, you will get the best out of your life and your business.


These are my top tips for the foundations of health. You need to be the architect of your own health. A healthy you, means a healthy business.


Moving Well

Nourishing Well inc gut health & supplementing

Sleeping Well

Relaxing Well


Moving Well
Your body performs better when it moves.

Find what works for you. If you’re sitting all day at your desk, move every 20 mins, peg your washing out, walk up the stairs, bend and stretch. Work in different place, it doesn’t have to be at your desk. Sit on the floor, the sofa, outside, work whilst standing. If you go to work choose a different route and walk the last 10 mins, stop off at your local park and walk around it. Take regular movement breaks using an alarm on your phone. There are so many ways to keep moving whilst you’re working.


Becoming more active is vital for long term health. Entwining activities into your daily life e.g. jobs around the house and using your home can be best place to start. Gardening, hoovering, cleaning, dancing to your favourite music are all easy examples. Aim for 150 mins of activity a week. Once you’ve made these changes you can start to think about cardio and resistance work, but one step at a time.


Nourishing Well

Food is necessary and should be fun. Increase the practice of clean eating, eating minimal processed food, including more real food that provides maximum nutritional benefits. Consume foods as close to their natural state. Reducing and avoiding sugar, alcohol and sugary snacks is a game changer for how you will feel and great for long term health benefits. My top tip for more energy and consistent energy for the day, start your day with protein. I can help simplify here with my certified organic whole food protein products.

Nourish your gut. Did you know your gut is your second brain? I can make things simple here with a certified organic raw whole product which is a miracle. It was created for your body to work as a whole and supports your gut health like never seen before.


Sleeping Well

Sleep is vital for optimal health. Try these top tips. Establish a regular time you go to bed. Turn off devices and leave them in another room at least 30-60mins before bed time.  Avoid caffeine 6 hours before you go to bed.  Keep your room dark and cool. Keep a journal next to your bed to do brain dumps and free your mind of the day’s stresses. Avoid high intensity exercise in the evenings. Slow your breathing down as you start to relax.


Relaxing Well

Take time out daily for yourself, starting with 15 mins a day and building up to 2x 15mins a day. Be with nature, be mindful, do more of what makes you happy. Have a mindful cup of tea, read your book, listen to music. This time is yours and is vital daily to take.



I’m Katie Evans, 30 years within the health, wellness and movement industry. My passion is to encourage all business owners to thrive and not just survive by making healthy habitual choices to ensure longevity. Habitual is the key word here, not quick fixes or fads. Make choices that motivate you to want to do more to give your body what is deserves. The body does amazing things and it will serve you well if you treat it well.


You can find me on FB at Healthy Habits for Life: Thriving not just surviving

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