Monday 22nd May 2023
Day 1
Optimise Your Profiles

Today I want you to make sure that all your social media profiles are optimised for success. This helps to create more of an impact and make your potential customers journey more simplified. If a potential customer can’t find your details and Information easily they will move onto someone else.

Your profiles should showcase your brands/business personality values and what you sell/offer

So make sure you have the following completed

Your profile picture is clear, of you and it’s a recent photo. Make sure this is the same across all platforms so you’re recognisable.

Make sure your have completed your Bio and it states something about you and your business.

Make sure you have a cover photo that’s also relevant to either your brand/personality/values or about your business. Ideally if it’s something about your business you can use your banner image to funnel people to where you want them to go. I.e you can make a graphic and on it you could put text on that says click here to join my FB Group or click here to sign up for my 3 day challenge , or click here to grab my free pdf on …..  (then once saved you can click on the graphic yourself and pop the link in the comments to where you want to direct them to).  So you are optimising everywhere you can to either get people  to join your community, sign up to something or join your newsletter. All places where you can the nuture your audience.

Make sure your about section on your personal profile on Facebook as clickable links to your business page, website and other social platforms.

Any questions please feel to reach out or pop a post in the main Facebook Group. 

See you tomorrow for day 2
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