
Friday 10th October 2025

Cover-Lion Of Vienna Suite 2

What is happening on the day?

Standard Tickets
Refreshments on arrival
Tea and coffee break mid morning
Buffet lunch
Afternoon tea and coffee break
Guest Speakers and Panellists Throughout the Day

Motivational Activity

Arrival 8.30am

Starts at 9.00am

Approximate Finish 5.45pm

Premium Tickets

includes Standard Ticket and the following

Front Row Table Seats
Swag Bag
Priority Lunch Queue
VIP After Party Drinks Reception and Networking
Sponsored by Mandy Nicholson from 6.00pm to 8.00pm


Thank You to our amazing Sponsors

Click for Info

Social Media Guest Speakers

We have incredible industry leaders coming to you in our Social Impact Live 2025! 

These amazing speakers will not only inspire you but will give you invaluable information about using social media platforms to grow your businesses and brands.

Coming from real experience they will deliver their knowledge and expertise over the course of the day, these sessions will be epic

More information coming soon!!!!!

Heather Rose
Heather Rose
Shamaine Lei-Robinson
Shamaine Lei-Robinson
Kath Lord-Green
Kath Lord-Green
Sam Bearfoot
Sam Bearfoot
Ana Bonasera
Ana Bonasera
Louisa Herridge
Louisa Herridge
Heather Rose
Shamaine Lei-Robinson
Kath Lord-Green
Sam Bearfoot
Ana Bonasera
Louisa Herridge

Social Media Panellists

This year I have brought something different to incorporate into the day. I have compiled a very special panel of incredible business owners top of their game in their industry.


They will be sharing a few tips from their niche of expertise and then you get the opportunity to ask them any questions.

Meet our amazing panellists

Alison Dee
The Life Improvement Coach
Lisa Williams
Vision Boards
Clare Bradley
Emotional Resilience
Sarah Fletcher
Self Mastery For Business Success

Glass Walk and Leg0 Walk

We have planned a very special motivational empowerment activity.


We have the incredible UK Fire walk attending again to perform a Glass Walk and Lego Walk

You will have the opportunity to do both.

Glass and Lego Walking is a great way to achieve something you never ever thought you would achieve

UK Firewalk are experts who specialise in corporate and charity firewalking, glass and lego walking events. They are one of the UK’s leading firewalk companies. They have led tens of thousands of people across fire and have a safety record which is outstanding. Only one person has received more than a superficial blister and that was Scott, when he broke his first world record and he then went on to break the Guinness World Record again without harm.



UK Firewalk have appeared on TV (DIY SOS, Football Saved My Life, Guinness World Records, Outrageous Wasters, Sky Sports Soccer AM, The Magicians & Comic Relief)



UK Firewalk will be providing Pink Fizz Social with a motivational Glasswalk and Legowalk exercise for all attendees.


Watch the video below to see a quick preview of a Glass and Lego Walk

Why Not Purchase
Your Ticket Now
Special In The Room Price
Available only until
Sunday 13th October 2024

Standard Ticket



Pay in Full Pay with Payment Plans

Premium Ticket



Pay in Full Pay with Payment Plans

Table Sponsorship

  • 8 Standard tickets to the event
  • Promotion on-screen throughout the day
  • Provide gift or leaflet for our VIP goody bags to promote your company (40 required)
  • Run a masterclass to all attendees after the event in a the attendees Facebook Group

Market Place Expo Stand

This year even bigger with Pink Fizz Social hiring a new venue with more space and attendees.

As part of this package you will get:

  • A table to showcase your business in one of the rooms – 6ft table
  • Shoutout on social media
  • Feature in the program on the day
  • Premium ticket included to event

Pay in Full Pay with Payment Plans


Why Not Be A VIP
Limited Tickets Available

Early Bird Standard


Early Bird VIP



Market Place Expo Stand

  • A table to showcase your business in one of the rooms – 6ft table
  • Shoutout on social media
  • Feature in the program on the day
  • An invite to the VIP ticket holder after party drinks reception and networking
  • A standard ticket must be purchased as well as the Market Place Expo Stand
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